Transcribing Angels
Photo by Luke Michael on Unsplash
He gave us bodies so that we could rest deep like mammals do.
He gave us spirits so that we would worship full like angels do.
He made us into these amphibians of the heavens so that we should be
the stewards of glory to the one and the species of grace to the other.
Asking how many angels exist is like asking how big God is.
If we, His people, will outnumber the stars then why should we think
that He would be scant with the creation of their species?
In answer to the question, “How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?”
I would posit this: all of them – all centillion of them.
They are not restricted in space as we are and they travel at the speed of thought.
In fact, just for sport, they gathered here at the top of my pen at their mention,
then they alighted upon your thumb at the turning.
We are more immersed in the presence of angels
than we are in the layers of air of our own atmosphere.
“He makes His angels winds…”
I wonder whether the angels have a terrestrial rotation of duties between Earth and the faraway galaxies. They might ask each other, “How many tours have you served?”
On these, the front lines of ours.
Angels communicate with each other as light to light.
Imagine them as being made up of fiberoptics and connected to everything.
Then consider their constitution as binary even as their composition is quantum.
For all of their immensity and ontological grandeur, their universe has but two categories:
God and not-God.
Not enough has been written about angelkind, or, if it has, it has not been disseminated widely enough. There is an ordering of the cosmos that we are meant to apprehend and we would find clarity in understanding their kind as well as our relationship to them.
Enoch has been too busy attending to his celestial duties to transcribe the works of angels. Indeed, even after all these ages, they await on the arrival of our resurrected bodies to achieve this. I would even say that, for the peculiar fellowship between angels and Enoch, as they revealed God’s wisdom to him, they most admired, nearly envied, his invention of writing.
“For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.”
Do angels mature?
Some might think me silly for peering into their station, but it would be folly to ignore these heavenly cousins of ours. When we study the nature of mammals, we come to better understanding of our own frame in a whole host of ways. Were we to make a study of the hosts themselves, surely we would find enlightenment there, too.
God would have us as familiar with the angels as He would have us so with the saints.
The great cloud of witness is many-tiered and wondrously inhabited.
Perhaps the angels look upon us in our bodies not with envy so much as longing.
Not only do we sleep but we sweat, too.
Our activities are proven even before we have finished them.
Do angels glisten with any kind of perspiration of effort?
God made the angels invisible
but that does not mean that He wishes them
to remain imperceptible.
When angels jest… it is ruthless.
What do they have to fear from each other?
The six-winged seraphim show us the activity of angelic monasteries on the other side of glory. We peek into their privileged audience of the heavenly throneroom. They peer into our confounding work in the earthly realm. One day there will be no separation.
Photo by Kasper Rasmussen on Unsplash