Kintsugi of the Spirit

Kintsugi has fascinated me for several years. Of course, the metaphor of people appeals to me greatly. That our injuries could be beautified beyond our previously unmarred state is a hopeful story to inhabit and practice.

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C. T. Giles
Great Big World - One Slender Path

Sexual immorality seduces indiscriminately; emptiness cries out of the same spiritual vacuum; the topographical wasteland of that experience is the same in every country. And pornography has become more prolific and ubiquitous than the Gospel.

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C. T. Giles
Striving toward Unemployment

In my view, the virtuous leader is the one who wishes that his people would surpass him. He should celebrate the day when his students matriculate from his care and go on to greater things beyond his abilities, however noble and capable he has been. The very best thing that he could accomplish: to find himself looking up to the generation that he had fostered…

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C. T. Giles
The Soul of Quiet Calm

All of our emphasis is on being heard, not so much on hearing. That creates an atmosphere of social suffocation, relational disillusionment, disassociation from community. This is our culture.

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C. T. Giles
Along Came a Spiderverse

We willingly watch the story unfold knowing that something is very wrong, that the rules of the universe have been suspended, and that our own imaginations have been prohibited from being suspended in the fakery of it all.

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C. T. Giles
Christmastime and the Glory of Womankind

A single womb contained the Whisperer of Worlds.  The same Deity Who held the waters in the hollow of His hand was Himself carried within the amniotic fluid of a human host.  No prophet saw it coming even though all the prophets in concert sang the song.

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C. T. Giles